Cyber Essentials

Supporting your Cyber Essentials Certification journey.

The Cyber Tzar platform makes it quick and easy for businesses to achieve their Cyber Essentials certification and stay on track, removing any re-certification headaches and keeping important data secure at all times.

Cyber Essentials Certification

Cyber Essentials is a qualified, Government-backed, industry-supported scheme to help organisations protect themselves against common cyber risks.

Cyber Essentials

The Cyber Essentials package includes access to self-assessments that give you protection against a range of common cyber-attacks.

Working as a guide for businesses to stay cyber resilient and helping to prevent being targeted by cyber attackers.

Cyber Essentials Plus

The Cyber Essentials Plus package is an expansion of the basic Cyber Essentials Certification.

It has all of the same benefits and protections, as well as an option for hands-on technical verification.

Why get Cyber Essentials Certified with Cyber Tzar?

Cyber Tzar specialises in supporting businesses on their journey to becoming cyber resilient through offering our expertise and range of cyber security tools.

We can help you get the most out of your Cyber Essentials Certification:

  • Quick assessment completion

  • Cost effect

  • Support and advice

  • In-depth information

  • Access to cyber security tools

Our Cyber Risk Management Products

Cyber Risk Quantification


With just one platform, you can start to understand and address your company’s cyber vulnerabilities.

Cyber Risk Benchmarking


Demonstrate the return of investment on cyber security with our Benchmark product.

Third-Party Risk Management


Minimise the cyber risk posed to you by your supply chain, partners and customers.

Insurtech Risk Analysis


Provides quantitative cyber security data for actuarial analysis, banking assurance, and construction certification.