SentriaCyber release their latest whitepaper “Cybersecurity: The state of Australian websites” using scanning, analysis, and insights delivered by the Cyber Tzar Cyber Risk Management platform

A clear challenge in cybersecurity is that businesses know cybersecurity is important but do not know how to assess or address the real issues for their own situation.

Websites remain a central focus. This public face of business provides a first view into its cyber vulnerability and points of attack. It is an easy target for ‘bots’ and other highly automated means of harvesting business information.

Sentria has delivered the first-of-its-kind report to the state of Australian websites. The analysis includes assessing over 500 websites across a selected set of industries using Cyber Tzar automated reporting and risk assessment.

The report identifies that website security remains a critical issue, with over 95% of sites having one or more ‘high-impact’ vulnerabilities. More broadly, many sites, from ‘brochureware’ to full e-commerce sites, have an alarming level of vulnerability at the code level.

The anticipated report will be the first in a series of reports assessing and tracking the state of Australian websites and enabling businesses to benchmark their level of security and approach to preventing a cyberattack.

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