Cyber Tzar generates a “Cyber Risk Score”

But what is a “Cyber Risk Score”?

In principle, a Cyber Risk Score is the IT and Cyber Security equivalent to the Credit Scores published by Experian and Equifax in the UK, and S&P, Moody’s, and Fitch in the USA, used in financial risk management for the credit rating of organizations, services, products, and even nations.

However, unlike credit scoring, today, Cyber Risk Scores have no commonly agreed standards or even methodologies.

For example, “Security Rating Services” and “Risk Intelligence Services” generating Cyber Risk Scores use assessments of an organization’s observable safety and security profile together with evidence from actual cyber security breaches and data on trends and emerging vulnerabilities taken from around the world. Inevitably these scores are somewhat subjective and importantly impossible to reliably reproduce over time.

Cyber Tzar’s approach is entirely quantitative and based exclusively on the identification of known vulnerabilities in your IT Estate, the resulting Cyber Security Scores are accurate, reliable, predictable, and repeatable.

Cyber Tzar is setting the new standard for Cyber Security Scores.

The Cyber Tzar’s premium Score product produces a Cyber Security Score is based on hundreds and thousands of separate static and dynamic code tests together with Sub Domain discovery, SSL Certificate Health Checks, Port Vulnerability Scanning, and scanning of APIs.

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